Mountain Streams Medical is a premier non-surgical Denver Hemorrhoid treatment center specializing in multiple hemorrhoid removal options. Dr. Scott Woody specializes in non-surgical hemorrhoid treatment and hormone replacement therapy. The non-surgical hemorrhoid treatment niche is commonly overlooked, and it leaves patients trying creams and potions without resolution of their problem. He offers a FAST, pain free option between over-the-counter medications and dreaded hemorrhoid surgery!
Dr. Woody incorporates the latest medical research and over 15 years of experience to his procedures and care. The goal is simple:
To provide fast, effective, quality treatment in a calm, welcoming office setting, and to offer all non-surgical hemorrhoid treatments in one location.
Dr. Woody’s education, and his natural giftedness for healing and patient care, make him unmatched in hemorrhoid treatment in Denver and Colorado Springs..
For over 15 years, Dr. Woody has also specialized in treating hormone imbalance using bio-identical hormone pellets and has performed over 10,000 hormone pellet procedures. His treatments for hormone imbalance are safe, high quality, effective and bio-identical or “natural.”
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