We are a ‘high-touch’ independent brokerage firm, specializing in small to large group employee benefits, individual & Medicare products.
No matter the size of your business, our brokers can help you balance your desire to provide your employees the coverage & protection of a comprehensive benefits package with the ever-increasing costs of doing so.
There are MANY competitive Association programs in WA. If you current broker hasn’t provided quotes from some of the programs below, we can help! We are appointed with the following Carriers & Association Health Plans:
Medical Carriers:
*Regence BlueShield
*Premera Blue Cross
*Kaiser Permanente
Association Health Plans:
*Master Builders Health Trust
*Washington Technology Industry Assoc
*Vigilant Manufacturing Trust
*Farm Bureau Assoc
*OmniTrade (Biomedical and Clean Tech Associations)
*All Tech
*Associated Employers Trust
*Business Health Trust
*Washington Automotive Industry Assoc
*Building Industry Assoc of WA