Peak ENT provides comprehensive ear, nose, throat, head & neck treatments with sub-specialties in voice, sinus conditions, hearing, cosmetic and facial plastic surgery.
Office-based procedures performed in the Broomfield & Golden offices under local anesthesia include:
Minimally Invasive Sinus Surgery including Balloon Sinuplasty
Limited Septoplasty (fixing a deviated septum)
Closed Reduction of Nasal Fracture (fixing a broken nose)
Inferior Turbinate Reduction (to improve nasal breathing)
Transnasal Esophagoscopy (TNE)
Endoscopic Biopsies of the Larynx, Trachea and Esophagus
Laser Treatment of Laryngeal and Airway Lesions (benign and cancerous)
Laser Treatment and Dilation of Airway Stenosis (narrowing)
Injections of the Larynx for Vocal Cord Paralysis, Tremor, or Spasmodic Dysphonia
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